Embedded page via iframe

Iframes are not enabled by default. You need to ask our support team to enable it.

When requesting these you'll need to provide us with a URL of where you'll be hosting this.

  1. Add the following script in your page. Please replace the TRUST_CENTER_URL with the one provided by our support team.
  var trust_center_url = 'TRUST_CENTER_URL'; //This URL will be provided by our support team
  var iframe = document.getElementById('conveyor-trust-center');
  var url_end = document.location.href.split('#')[1];
  if (url_end) {
    iframe.src = trust_center_url + url_end;
  } else {
    iframe.src = trust_center_url; 

  1. Insert the iframe in your page
<iframe id="conveyor-trust-center" style="width:100%;height:100%;border:none;" allow="clipboard-read; clipboard-write" />