RFP Export Templates

Export Templates are formatted Word (docx) documents, with placeholders that tell ConveyorAI where to inject exported data.

When working on a RFP questionnaire in Conveyor, you will have the option to Export to Template. Choose from your list of preconfigured templates and ConveyorAI will export your RFP questionnaire responses to that template.

Setting up your Export Template

In AI Agent Library > Phil, Proposal Management > Package Export, click Review Export Templates to preview, add, edit or delete Export Templates.

To create a new Export Template, select Add Template and upload your desired Word file. The Word file needs to have placeholders for ConveyorAI to know what data should be injected where, and what styling to use.

Add a placeholder for responses

Add a single {{questionnaire_response}} placeholder for where you want your responses to go. The placeholder will be replaced with your actual responses including elements like section headers, question text and answer text.

Specify Formatting

To tell ConveyorAI how to format the exported responses, add placeholder text in separate paragraphs for each of the elements below, styled to how each element should look.

ElementFormatted Placeholder Paragraphs - Required Text
Section header (level 1){{resp_section_1}}
Section header (level 2){{resp_section_2}}
Section header (level 3){{resp_section_3}}
Section header (level 4){{resp_section_4}}
Question text{{resp_question_text}}
Answer - normal text{{resp_answer_normal}}

You should style each placeholder paragraph by applying a predefined named style or your own custom named style to the text. This is the best way to capture style information and ConveyorAI will apply the same named style to each corresponding element during export.

If your word editing software’s predefined named styles are insufficient and it does not support custom named styles (eg. which may be the case for Google Docs), you can apply basic formatting (custom font, color, text size, etc) to each placeholder paragraph and ConveyorAI will copy that basic styling for each corresponding element (without relying on named styles).

Add placeholders for additional context

ConveyorAI also supports injecting additional context during export. Optionally add any of the following placeholders and we will replace it with the relevant data.

  • {{date}}
  • {{vendor_name}}
  • {{vendor_domain}}
  • {{customer_name}}
  • {{customer_domain}}
  • {{questionnaire_added_by_name}}
  • {{questionnaire_added_by_email}}
  • {{questionnaire_product_lines}}