Get notified about Trust Center customer activity

Sales reps get an endorphin rush when prospects take action in the Trust Center. You can send notifications in real-time of such activity directly to Salesforce or to Slack using the following commands:

  • /conveyor subscribe activity: Subscribes a given channel to notifications of all activities that customers take in your Trust Center.
  • /conveyor subscribe answerbot: Subscribes a given channel to notifications of questionnaires that customers upload to your Trust Center (if you have that customer self-serve questionnaires feature enabled).
  • /conveyor follow {email address or email domain}: Subscribes a channel to one particular connection's activity. This is a good command for sales reps to use in their own channels to follow the activity of one key prospect.
Example of activity you'll see after running `/conveyor subscribe activity`

Example of activity you'll see after running /conveyor subscribe activity

Example of activity you'll see after running `/conveyor subscribe answerbot`

Example of activity you'll see after running /conveyor subscribe answerbot

  • /conveyor toggle emails: On activities, toggles the visibility of user emails.