Collaborating on questionnaires

The "Assignee" of a questionnaire is typically the person responsible for reviewing ConveyorAI's initial answers, and then bringing in subject-matter-experts, or "Collaborators," as needed. Conveyor makes it easy to assign work to collaborators using "Groups" and the "Needs Help From" attribute.

Setting up Groups

Before you can assign a Group to question(s), you'll have to create one more or Groups first.

Defining your "Needs Help From" groups.

Defining your "Needs Help From" groups.

Click "Settings in the upper-right corner of your Questionnaires tab to customize your Groups.

Click "Settings" to customize your Groups.

Click "Settings" to customize your Groups.

From here you can edit existing or create new Groups. Groups consist of:

  • A name, like "Legal," "Privacy," or even "Chris Jones." (Required)
  • A color. (Required)
  • One or more Conveyor users. These are the group members who will be added as collaborators and notified when you assign this group to a question. This field is optional; if left blank, then you can simply use Groups to color-code questions.
The Group Configuration modal.  Groups consist of a name, a color, and one or more Conveyor users.

The Group Configuration modal. Groups consist of a name, a color, and one or more Conveyor users.

You can then assign groups to questions in one of two ways: one-at-a-time, and in bulk.

Assigning groups one-at-a-time

To assign one-at-a-time, select a group from the "Needs Help From" column on the Questionnaire Overview page of a given questionnaire.

Using the "Needs Help From" column to assign a Group to a question

Using the "Needs Help From" column to assign a Group to a question.

Bulk-assigning groups

To assign groups to questions in bulk, select the questions that you'd like to assign a group to by clicking the boxes on the left of each question. Or, select the top-most checkbox to select-all:

Next, select "Needs help from" in the bottom-right of your screen:


Anyone who is a member of a group that has been assigned to a question for a given questionnaire is automatically added as a collaborator to that questionnaire. Collaborators are notified whenever a questionnaire changes status. As such, we recommend the following workflow:

  • First, the Assignee takes the first pass reviewing ConveyorAI's responses
  • Next, the Assignee tags all the "Needs Help From" groups
  • Finally, the Assignee moves the questionnaire to the "Ready for Review" status, notifying all collaborators that the questionnaire is ready for their input.