Installation and upgrades - Slack


Note: Installation must be done by a Conveyor Admin and requires approval from a Slack Admin

Setup - New Installation

Follow these instructions if your organization is setting up Slack for the first time.

Step 1: While logged in as an account owner, navigate to "Organization Preferences" in the bottom-left of your screen. Click "Add Integration" --> Slack.

Step 2: When shown the Slack instructions click on Authenticate

Step 3: Review the scope of access and click Allow


That's it! You can now type:

/conveyor help

into Slack to see a list of available commands:

Permission Scopes

The ConveyorAI Slack app can only read messages sent directly to it.

The specific Slack permission scopes ( are:

  • app_mentions:read: View messages that directly mention @your_slack_app in conversations that the app is in
  • channels:read: View basic information about public channels in a workspace
  • chat:write: Post messages in approved channels & conversations
  • chat:write.public: Send messages to channels @your_slack_app isn't a member of
  • commands: Add shortcuts and/or slash commands that people can use
  • files:read: View files shared in channels and conversations that your Slack app has been added to
  • files:write: Upload, edit, and delete files as your Slack app
  • groups:read: View basic information about private channels that your Slack app has been added to
  • im:read : View basic information about direct messages that your Slack app has been added to
  • im:history: View messages and other content in direct messages that your Slack app has been added to
  • im:write: Start direct messages with people
  • reactions:read: View emoji reactions and their associated content in channels and conversations that your slack app has been added to
  • reactions:write: Add and edit emoji reactions
  • View email addresses of people in a workspace
  • users:read: View people in a workspace


The most common problems when setting up the integration is not using a Slack admin account. Otherwise, please contact [email protected] any problems persists.