How we share your information

Updated as of January 26th, 2023

Conveyor has features for both vendors building trust with their customers, and customers evaluating their vendors. When you use Conveyor, you’ll invite users from other companies into the platform to communicate with you, and those other companies will join the Conveyor Network.

As a customer, you can view, follow, and connect with vendors to assess risk and monitor their posture. As a vendor, you can invite your prospects and customers to view your profile and connect to access confidential information that you host on Conveyor.

In addition to sending occasional marketing messages, we may share your information as described below. We reserve the right, at our discretion, to update the information below at any time.

For companies using Conveyor to evaluate vendors:

Once authenticated (signed in as a User in Conveyor), we may use your information (such as name, email, and company name) and app interactions to help facilitate connections between you and vendors. For example, if you are logged in as, and you follow VendorCo’s profile, we may include your name and email address in a summary report to VendorCo about “who’s been following your profile lately.”

As you add Vendors to your Inventory and try to connect to access their profile, we may share your information (such as name, email, and company name) and app interactions with your vendors to facilitate your vendor reviews. For example, if you elect to request SOC 2 reports from your vendors upon adding them to your inventory, we will use your name and company name in reaching out to those vendors.

For vendors using Conveyor to build trust with their customers:

We will make your Vendor Name and link to your profile on Conveyor accessible (if available) to our Users. For example, if you are a vendor using our network, your portal link will be available to all users of Conveyor's Vendor Trust module to request access. However, no user will ever be authorized to see your gated content without your consent.