Share your Trust Center

Need a faster way to share your Trust Center with customers and prospects? We recommend setting up Auto-approval and NDA bypass via Salesforce, but you can also save oodles of time via Slack. These commands are your new best friend:

  • /conveyor subscribe requests: Run this command to subscribe a channel to Trust Center access requests. You can then review, approve, and reject the access requests directly in Slack.
  • /conveyor invite: Run this command to bring up a modal that will then let you issue new invitations to your Trust Center via Slack.
Example of the Trust Center access requests you'll see after running `/conveyor subscribe requests`

Example of the Trust Center access requests you'll see after running /conveyor subscribe requests

Run `/conveyor invite` to issue invitations to your Trust Center directly from Slack.

Run /conveyor invite to issue invitations to your Trust Center directly from Slack.