Enabling MFA for Conveyor

Conveyor supports multi-factor authentication (MFA) for user accounts and can be set up at the individual user level via Authenticator App or Yubikey.

To enable MFA, please follow these steps:

  1. Login to https://app.conveyor.com/
  2. Select your name in the bottom left corner > account management
  3. This will open a separate tab for https://account.conveyor.com/ where user settings are managed. Select Security Settings on the far left navigation bar
  1. Users will be prompted to verify their current username and password for Conveyor.
  2. To turn on MFA, select Configure 2FA. From there using an authenticator app (we recommend Google Authenticator) scan the generated QR code and enable 2FA.
  1. Once 2FA is enabled, you can select to add a security key such as Yubikey.

If you need help setting up 2FA, please email support@conveyor.com.